A Laminar Boundary Layer Velocity Profile Is Approximated By

A laminar boundary layer velocity profile is approximated by a parabolic function that represents the velocity distribution within a laminar boundary layer. This approximation is commonly used in fluid mechanics to simplify the analysis of fluid flow over surfaces.

The laminar boundary layer is the region of a fluid flow near a surface where the flow is smooth and orderly, with no turbulence. The velocity profile within a laminar boundary layer is typically parabolic, with the velocity being zero at the surface and increasing with distance from the surface.

1. Definition of Laminar Boundary Layer Velocity Profile

A laminar boundary layer velocity profile is approximated by

A laminar boundary layer is a thin layer of fluid adjacent to a solid surface where the fluid flow is smooth and orderly, with no turbulence. The laminar boundary layer velocity profile describes the velocity distribution within this layer.

The laminar boundary layer velocity profile is characterized by a parabolic shape, with the velocity increasing from zero at the solid surface to a maximum value at the edge of the boundary layer. This profile is due to the viscous forces that act between the fluid and the solid surface, which slow down the fluid near the surface.

The laminar boundary layer velocity profile can be approximated by the following equation:

v(y) = V

  • (y/δ)
  • (1
  • y/δ)


  • v(y) is the velocity at a distance y from the solid surface
  • V is the free-stream velocity
  • δ is the boundary layer thickness

2. Assumptions and Limitations of Laminar Boundary Layer Velocity Profile Approximation

A laminar boundary layer velocity profile is approximated by

The laminar boundary layer velocity profile approximation assumes that the flow is steady, incompressible, and two-dimensional. It also assumes that the fluid is Newtonian and that the surface is smooth.

The laminar boundary layer velocity profile approximation is valid for low Reynolds numbers, where the viscous forces are dominant over the inertial forces. As the Reynolds number increases, the boundary layer becomes unstable and turbulence occurs. The laminar boundary layer velocity profile approximation is no longer valid in the presence of turbulence.

3. Applications of Laminar Boundary Layer Velocity Profile Approximation

The laminar boundary layer velocity profile approximation is used in a wide variety of engineering applications, including:

  • Design of aircraft wings and other aerodynamic surfaces
  • Analysis of fluid flow in pipes and ducts
  • Development of heat transfer models

The laminar boundary layer velocity profile approximation provides a simple and accurate way to estimate the velocity distribution within a laminar boundary layer. This information is essential for the design and analysis of fluid flow systems.

4. Comparison with Other Velocity Profile Approximations

Boundary laminar solved velocity approximated

The laminar boundary layer velocity profile approximation is one of several common velocity profile approximations. Other approximations include the turbulent boundary layer velocity profile approximation and the logarithmic velocity profile approximation.

The following table compares the key differences and similarities between these three velocity profile approximations:

Approximation Shape Assumptions Applications
Laminar boundary layer Parabolic Steady, incompressible, two-dimensional, Newtonian fluid, smooth surface Low Reynolds numbers
Turbulent boundary layer Logarithmic Steady, incompressible, two-dimensional, turbulent flow High Reynolds numbers
Logarithmic velocity profile Logarithmic Steady, incompressible, two-dimensional, turbulent flow, smooth surface High Reynolds numbers

5. Impact of Pressure Gradient on Laminar Boundary Layer Velocity Profile

The pressure gradient along the surface can have a significant impact on the laminar boundary layer velocity profile. A favorable pressure gradient (i.e., a pressure gradient that decreases in the direction of flow) will cause the boundary layer to thicken and the velocity profile to become more parabolic.

Conversely, an adverse pressure gradient (i.e., a pressure gradient that increases in the direction of flow) will cause the boundary layer to thin and the velocity profile to become more flat.

The effect of the pressure gradient on the laminar boundary layer velocity profile is illustrated in the following figure:

[Gambar yang menunjukkan dampak gradien tekanan pada profil kecepatan lapisan batas laminar]

6. Transition to Turbulent Boundary Layer: A Laminar Boundary Layer Velocity Profile Is Approximated By

Flow pipe fluid laminar rate inside through length change does velocity profile when mechanics internal two rotating its turbulent developed

At high Reynolds numbers, the laminar boundary layer becomes unstable and turbulence occurs. The transition to turbulence is caused by the growth of small disturbances in the laminar boundary layer. These disturbances grow and eventually become large enough to disrupt the laminar flow and create turbulence.

The transition to turbulence is a complex process that is not fully understood. However, it is known that the transition is affected by a number of factors, including the Reynolds number, the surface roughness, and the pressure gradient.

Once the boundary layer becomes turbulent, the velocity profile changes significantly. The turbulent boundary layer velocity profile is characterized by a logarithmic shape, with the velocity increasing rapidly near the surface and then more slowly away from the surface.

General Inquiries

What is a laminar boundary layer?

A laminar boundary layer is the region of a fluid flow near a surface where the flow is smooth and orderly, with no turbulence.

What is a laminar boundary layer velocity profile?

A laminar boundary layer velocity profile is a parabolic function that represents the velocity distribution within a laminar boundary layer.

How is a laminar boundary layer velocity profile approximated?

A laminar boundary layer velocity profile is approximated by solving the Navier-Stokes equations for the flow of a viscous fluid over a flat plate.